Murder to dissect

Ich bin mir gerade nicht sicher, ob ich auf dieses Blog schon mal hingewiesen habe. "Norman Strike" stellt zum 25. Jubiläum des Miners' Strike sein Tagebuch aus dieser Zeit ins Netz. Er selbst hat ein Jahr lang als Streikposten durchgehalten. Häufig sind die Einträge erwartungsgemäß banal, die Schilderung der working-class communities ist dennoch beeindruckend. Egal, was man jetzt von Kohle als Energieträger halten mag. Heute beschreibt er die Battle of Orgreave:
We eventually made our way back down the field but I met Gary Marshall and he told me our coaches were going and we had to leave. I couldn’t believe it! We couldn’t leave now and desert the battle. We made our way back up the field and met Tommy Wilson. He had been badly clubbed while he was trying to help an injured picket and was in a lot of pain. I advised him to get to hospital and have his injuries looked at. We reached the bridge and found most of our lads talking to Scargill. They had told him about us being ordered to leave and Arthur was furious and told us to stay to fight back. He complained bitterly about the waste of union funds to send us down for the day instead of for a whole week. He also said that if necessary he would pay for our transport himself. We all voted to stay because none of us wanted to go anyway, not without having another go at the pigs. We wanted revenge!’Da fällt mir noch eine kleine Anekdote ein. Ich war vor einiger Zeit auf einem Vortrag über Jeremy Dellers Reenactment, wo eine postdoktorierende Akademikerin über "Wunden, die da aufgearbeitet würden" sprach. Irgendwie putzig verharmlosend, oder?
kubia - 22. Jun, 21:51